Transfiguration NXT

Elevate Leadership, Embrace Wisdom
Empowering Through Biblical Insight
Powered by Sajeeva Vahini

    Our Mission

    Fostering and nurturing emerging leaders to drive positive Christian transformation within communities via enlightening educational workshops and comprehensive biblical training initiatives.

    Our Vision

    Equip and mentor leaders to embrace visionary leadership in their roles.

Leadership Conference

National Christian Leadership Conference
Bengaluru 2024

Theme: Mastering Resilience in Christian Leadership

Overview: Mastering resilience in Christian leadership entails navigating challenges with faith and fortitude through the "3C" framework: Challenge, Control, and Commitment. Christian leaders embrace challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth, demonstrating courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. They surrender their plans to God's sovereignty while responsibly stewarding their resources and influence. Moreover, Christian leaders exhibit unwavering commitment to God's calling, prioritizing their relationship with Him above all else and sacrificially serving others. By embodying resilience rooted in faith, humility, and dedication, Christian leaders inspire others to trust in God's provision and persevere in their own journeys of faith and leadership.

Speakers : Three - Each Speaker focus on each of 3C Framework
Speaker 1 – Topic : Challenge
• Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
• Developing a mindset that sees obstacles as stepping stones rather than barriers.
• Viewing adversity as a chance to build strength and resilience.

Speaker 2 – Topic : Control
• Focusing on what can be controlled rather than dwelling on what cannot.
• Identifying areas where one has agency and taking proactive steps to influence outcomes.
• Cultivating a sense of self-efficacy and confidence in one's ability to navigate difficult situations.

Speaker 3 – Topic : Commitment
• Staying committed to personal goals, values, and beliefs, even in the face of adversity.
• Maintaining perseverance and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.
• Investing time and effort in activities that align with long-term aspirations and contribute to overall well-being.

What we do?

Welcome to the Infinite Network, a hub of transformational learning and inspiration. Our mission revolves around equipping individuals with profound biblical leadership skills, fostering intellectual growth, and nurturing a deeper understanding of faith.

Biblical Leadership Training Sessions:
Immerse yourself in our comprehensive biblical leadership training sessions. Gain insights into timeless leadership principles drawn from the scriptures, and learn how to apply them in today's dynamic world. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting on your leadership journey, these sessions will empower you to lead with integrity, vision, and purpose.

Enlightening Conferences on Biblical Teachings:
Experience the wisdom of the ages through our thought-provoking conferences. Join us as we delve into the depths of biblical teachings, exploring their relevance in contemporary life. Our dynamic speakers will guide you on a journey of discovery, encouraging you to embrace faith and apply biblical wisdom to navigate modern challenges.

Apologetics: Defending Your Faith:
Equip yourself with a robust defense of your faith through our apologetics conferences. Engage in meaningful discussions, gain intellectual tools, and learn to articulate your beliefs effectively. Our apologetics sessions are designed to strengthen your confidence in your faith and provide rational answers to tough questions.

Empowering Women and Youth Conferences:
We believe in empowering every generation. Our women and youth conferences provide safe spaces for growth, empowerment, and learning. Engage in discussions that cater to the unique challenges and aspirations of women and young minds. Through mentorship, workshops, and interactive sessions, we aim to nurture leaders of tomorrow.

National Level Leadership Conferences:
Mark your calendars for our highly anticipated national-level leadership conferences. These gatherings bring together visionaries, influencers, and seekers from across the nation. Be inspired by keynote speakers who have left an indelible mark on their fields, and immerse yourself in diverse sessions that explore the multifaceted dimensions of leadership.

Leadership Principles for a Transformed World:
At Infinite Network, we believe that leadership is not just a position, but a way of life. Our sessions go beyond the traditional, offering actionable insights that can transform your leadership style. Join us in exploring servant leadership, emotional intelligence, strategic decision-making, and more.

Join us in this journey of growth, exploration, and empowerment. The Infinite Network is dedicated to nurturing leaders who impact their communities, workplaces, and beyond, all rooted in the unchanging truths of the Bible. Come, be a part of a community that strives for excellence in leadership and a deeper understanding of faith.


Christian Leadership Framework

  • Principles of Christian Leadership: Love, Modesty, Self-Development, Motivation, Correction, Integrity, Follower of God’s Will.
  • Decision-making and the Christian Leader: Demonstrating grace is part of the Christian faith but what happens when that impedes important decisions.
  • Introverted and Extroverted Leadership: Every leader is different! Do you know which category you fall into?
  • Listening Like Christ: Leaders need to fine-tune their active listening skills in order to prescribe a solution accurately.
  • Servant Leaders: Teach your team how to serve and love one another like past servant leaders.
  • When Tragedy Strikes a Congregation: From natural disasters to family tragedies, they do occur. Does your staff now how to minister to the congregation during times of grief?
  • Communicating Effectively with Your Ministry Team: You like to email but he prefers Skype. How should leaders communicate?
  • Starting a New Ministry (or Reviving an Old One): How do you start a church in the current culture? Can you revive a dying ministry?
  • Establishing a Church Web Presence: Everyone is one the web, but should they be? Find out the best way to establish a web presence for your ministry.
  • Recruiting, Training and Managing Volunteers: Learn how to attract and grow those crucial volunteers.
  • Witnessing in the 21st Century: Leaders may need a brush up sharing their faith. Present new ideas for witnessing to others. Workplace Christian




With evangelism, we do this at three main fronts - apologetics, culture and identity. Training topics also includes evolution, defending the exclusive claims of Christianity, dealing with relativism, the impacts of negative media, and our identity in Christ and more.


Regarding stewardship, we address three fronts: communications, operations and discipleship. Stewardship training topics include marketing and outreach, business development, staff/volunteer development, mentoring and contingency planning and more.


Paul, Nehemiah, Joshua, Barnabas, Moses, Elijah, Daniel and Peter. Leading/Living a Spiritual Life in the Secular World.

Leadership Training


Senior Leaders

  • Delegation & empowerment. No leader can do everything themselves. Understanding when to delegate, and then standing by your delegation, is one of the most critical executive leadership training topics. Defining and clearly communicating tasks, selecting the right team, agreeing on objectives and resources, setting deadlines, and supporting the assignee’s work.
  • Conflict resolution. Churches/Organizations are made up of people, and people come into conflict. Learning to resolve conflict in a way that honors both sides belongs to every management training topics list. Clarify disagreements, establish common goals, identify and circumvent barriers to teamwork, and build consensus around a resolution.
  • Change management. Lead with the culture, starting at the top and involving every layer, make the emotional and rational case for change, leverage formal and informal solutions, and engage, adapt, and assess.
  • Influence. Why do some people command respect without ever giving commands? Belief in your team, servant leadership, giving and earning trust, investing in others, autonomy, and leading with character.
  • Motivation and engagement. People are not machines. Understand what motivates them, and they can exceed your wildest expectations. Fostering a pleasant working environment, encouraging happiness, setting clear goals, micromanaging, collaboration, and self-development

Young Adults and Volunteers

  • Interpersonal relationships. Spiritual things are not built on technology; they are built on relationships. Train leaders to cultivate relationships with others on their team and across cross teams or groups. Cultivating a positive outlook, managing emotions, Active listening, and empathy.
  • Decision skills. Ability to make the right decision and stand by it nurtures confidence and streamlines the whole church/organization. Understanding reactions and tolerances, first principles, risk-taking, and leverage the perspective of others.
  • Time and energy management. Many distractions vie for leaders’ time and tend to sap the energy the fuels productivity in the time they have. Therefore, effective leadership training includes tips and tips for time and energy management. Distractions and open-mindedness.
  • Self-awareness. Before leaders can manage others, they must effectively manage ourselves. Self-awareness training asks leaders to self-reflect on their emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Feeling feelings, giving and receiving feedback, keeping an open mind, and mindfulness.
  • Communication skills. Mistrust springs from misunderstanding. Effective communication is critical to effective leadership. Establishing trust, speaking with precision and clarity, using body language and tone, avoiding assumptions, and how to have difficult conversations.

Christian Leadership Conference 2023 – Training Outline.

Topic: Qualities of a Transformational Leader: Christian Leadership and Discipleship – The Dynamic Duo
Session Duration: 40 – 50 Minutes

Session Highlights: Embark on the Leadership Journey from the foundational concept of “Jethro’s Principle” to a “Flipped Pyramid”

Session Overview: This leadership training session is designed to equip individuals with the principles and practices of Christian leadership and discipleship. Drawing inspiration from the book "Leadership Series: Timeless Wisdom on Leadership and Discipleship Dynamic Duo by Dr. G. Praveen Kumar," you will be exploring key concepts such as The Jethro Principle, the flipped pyramid, humility, and the role of character and competency in leadership. This session aims to empower leaders to lead with purpose, vision, and integrity while nurturing disciples and impacting your lives.

1. Introduction to Christian Leadership
a. Understanding the core principles of Christian leadership.
b. Exploring the intersection of leadership and discipleship.
c. Setting the foundation for the course.
2. The Jethro Principle
a. Unpacking the timeless wisdom of The Jethro Principle.
b. Learning to share the leadership load and nurture leaders.
c. Applying the principles of delegation and empowerment.
3. The Flipped Pyramid Approach
a. Exploring the revolutionary concept of the flipped pyramid.
b. Redefining leadership through humility and servanthood.
c. Embracing teamwork and shared leadership.
4. Leading with Humility
a. Understanding humility as the central trait of Christian leadership.
b. Examining biblical examples of humble leadership.
c. Practicing humility in leadership roles.
5. Leadership in the Church
a. Analyzing the unique structure of leadership within the church.
b. Reflecting on the role of Jesus as the ultimate example of humility.
c. Applying Christian leadership principles to church contexts.
6. Leadership Insights from Jesus
a. Exploring leadership lessons from the life and teachings of Jesus.
b. Balancing competency and character in leadership.
c. Emulating Jesus' servant leadership.
7. Leadership Insights from Paul
a. Drawing insights from the leadership of the Apostle Paul.
b. Cultivating character and competency in leadership roles.
c. Applying Paul's leadership principles in ministry and business.
8. The Challenge of the Flipped Pyramid
a. Discussing the challenges and resistance leaders may face when adopting the flipped pyramid approach.
b. Overcoming obstacles to transformative leadership.
9. Selecting Future Leaders
a. Identifying the characteristics and qualities to look for in potential leaders.
b. Emphasizing the importance of humility and submission.
c. Building a strong leadership team.
10. Conclusion - Embracing the Dynamic Duo
a. Reflecting on the course journey and insights gained.
b. Challenging participants to answer the call to lead with humility and purpose.
c. Encouraging participants to implement the concepts learned in their leadership roles.

The leadership journey from the foundational concept of "Jethro's Principle" to a "Flipped Pyramid" is a transformational shift in leadership philosophy:

1. Jethro's Principle:
a. Delegation and Empowerment: It begins with embracing the wisdom of Jethro's counsel to Moses in Exodus 18:21. Leaders learn the importance of sharing the leadership load by delegating responsibilities and empowering others.
b. Nurturing Leaders: Leaders understand the need to nurture and develop other leaders, fostering a culture of leadership growth.
c. Teamwork and Collaboration: The focus shifts from a one-person show to teamwork and collaboration, recognizing that leaders alone cannot carry the entire burden.

2. Flipped Pyramid:
a. Leading by Serving: The concept of servant leadership takes center stage. Leaders exemplify humility, putting the needs of others before their own.
b. Humble Leadership: Leaders position themselves at the foundation of the pyramid, supporting and empowering those they lead.
c. Submission to Authority: Humility goes hand in hand with submission, not only to human authority but, more importantly, to God's authority and guidance.
d. Adherence to Rules and Regulations: Leaders in the flipped pyramid model are advocates of living by ethical principles and rules, serving as moral models for their followers.
e. Jesus and Paul as Exemplars: The flipped pyramid finds its ultimate exemplars in the lives and teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul. They emphasize the balance of competency and character in leadership.
f. Embracing Challenges: Leaders in the flipped pyramid model acknowledge the challenges of this radical approach and work to overcome them.
The journey concludes with an invitation to embrace servant leadership, accept the challenge of the flipped pyramid, and question, "Will you join Him at the bottom?" As we close, we understand the transformative power of leadership and discipleship within the realm of faith. 

Timeless Wisdom on Leadership and Discipleship

In this eBook - You will be exploring key concepts such as The Jethro Principle, the flipped pyramid, humility, and the role of character and competency in leadership

Leadership Series - eBook on Leadership and Discipleship

National Leadership Conference

14th Annual Summit, Sajeeva Vahini, Hyderabad

National Leadership Conference 2023

Keynote sessions on people-centric Christian leadership, vision-centric Christian leadership, and strategic and critical thinking Christian leadership are designed to provide attendees with insights and practical strategies for becoming better Christian leaders in these specific areas.

People-centric Christian leadership is focused on creating a workplace culture that is centered around the needs and well-being of employees while also reflecting Christian values. Keynote sessions on this topic may cover areas such as servant leadership, empathy, compassion, and diversity and inclusion. The speaker may share their personal experiences and offer practical tips on how to build strong relationships with team members, foster a positive work environment, and create a culture of trust and respect grounded in Christian principles.

Vision-centric Christian leadership is focused on developing a clear and compelling vision for the organization that reflects Christian values and inspires and motivates employees to work towards a common goal. Keynote sessions on this topic may cover areas such as strategic planning, goal-setting, and communication, but with a specific focus on how to integrate Christian principles and values into the vision. The speaker may share their experiences and offer practical tips on how to develop a vision statement that aligns with Christian principles, communicate it effectively to employees, and align goals and objectives with the vision.

Strategic and critical thinking Christian leadership is focused on developing the ability to think critically and strategically about complex problems and make effective decisions grounded in Christian principles. Keynote sessions on this topic may cover areas such as problem-solving, decision-making, and risk management, but with a specific focus on how to integrate Christian principles and values into the decision-making process. The speaker may share their experiences and offer practical tips on how to approach complex problems, analyze information, and make decisions that align with Christian principles and values.

Takeaways : Keynote sessions are designed to provide attendees with practical strategies and tools to become better Christian leaders and to create positive change within their organizations while staying true to their Christian values. Attendees can expect to gain new insights, perspectives, and skills that will help them become more effective Christian leaders and create a culture of growth and success grounded in Christian principles.

Other Conferences

Women Conference

Our "PowerUp" conferences are designed to ignite a spark within every woman, awakening her leadership potential and guiding her towards making a lasting impact. Through dynamic sessions, engaging workshops, and insightful discussions, we delve into the core principles of Christian leadership while addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that women leaders encounter.

Biblical Certificate Courses

Exciting News! Get ready for the upcoming launch of our Biblical Certificate Courses and Leadership Certificate Courses. Equip yourself with deep insights from scripture and cultivate effective leadership skills. Stay tuned for more information and updates on this transformative training opportunity.

Infinite Network

At Infinite Network, we envision a world transformed by empowered individuals who radiate faith, hope, and love. Join us on this transformative journey of equipping, encouraging, and evangelizing. Together, we can create an infinite ripple of positive impact.

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